The month of Nisan

Spring into a new year!
Nissan is the first month of the Jewish Calendar. It represents a time of crossing over into our Promised Land. Nissan begins with the season of Spring. It is the month of redemption, and miracles and sets us on out future course.
Nisan is associate with the Hebrew letter "Hei"
meaning violent praise. As we offer up a sacrifice of praise we enter into the beginning of miracles. As we praise we speak into the atmosphere changing it into blessings. It is the month of thanking God for His deliverance.
Passover falls in the month of Nisan. As we remember the blood over the doorposts and lintels we recognize where we have come from and where God is bringing us. Thank Him for how He continues to deliver you.
Even the heavens declare God's glory. The constellation of Aries, the ram (lamb) reminds us of how God created the stars as markers in the sky. The Passover lamb is celebrated in the heavens and on the earth.
Evaluate your life likewise to see where you are positioned. Ask that God would align your life in this season. Just as Israel marched into their Promised Land, so likewise can you go where the Lord is leading you.
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